A number of advertising sources—including MultiCultClassics—have noted the outrageousness of General Motors’ decision to consolidate its $3 billion media and planning duties with U.K.-based Carat. The gripes are basically the same; i.e., how dare the automaker that needed a federal bailout to stay in business now take its business overseas? The added pro-American sentiment, however, sounds slightly silly coming from Madison Avenue practitioners.
For starters, many U.S. agencies are currently tied to holding companies based in Europe and abroad. Why, Dentsu of Japan owns the Agency of the Year. And JWT fancies itself a true international agency—at least when producing propaganda on its commitment to diversity. Admakers love to stage commercial shoots in foreign lands under the guise of saving clients production dollars. Of course, all of these shops woo potential new accounts with real and imagined global capabilities. (On an ironic side note, one of the few networks headquartered in this country, IPG, reportedly didn’t pay taxes from 2008 through 2010.)
Oh, and when a U.S. agency is seeking new creative or organizational leadership, the top candidates are Brits with strong English accents and weak American experience.