1. Corporate Cultural Collusion will enjoy an all-time high.
2. Team Sprint will make Enfatico look like Wieden + Kennedy.
3. Howard Draft may get his wish for running a small shop.
4. A White adperson will create a new minority scholarship program—and honestly believe it’s an original idea.
5. There will be no original advertising ideas presented during Black History Month.
6. Jeff Goodby will win an ADCOLOR® Award.
7. Donny Deutsch will continue to embarrass the industry—and never even realize it.
8. AgencySpy will continue to be the place where adpeople anonymously reveal their inherent racism.
9. Advertising Age and Adweek will devote more coverage to Miley Cyrus than Cyrus Mehri.
10. The Big Tent will fold.
11. “Where Are All The Black People?” will remain an unanswered question.
12. Summer’s Eve will launch a conservative coochie campaign.