Can things get any worse for Herman Cain? Ginger White of Atlanta claims she had a 13-year affair with Cain while he served as the president of the National Restaurant Association—which looks like the last presidential position he’ll ever hold.
Of course, Cain is in full denial mode, issuing a public announcement on CNN where he described the relationship as “trying to help a friend” because of White “not having a job etcetera and this sort of thing.” Sounds like friends with benefits. And a pattern seems to be emerging regarding Cain “trying to help” women in need of employment opportunities. Maybe he can somehow leverage the experiences into a jobs program for America. Hey, cheating on your spouse isn’t necessarily a political career killer, as evidenced by Newt Gingrich’s candidacy. But suffering brain freezes when asked about foreign affairs and extramarital affairs won’t help the polling numbers.